Peeled Italian Almond

Peeled Italian Almond

3.50 LBS
Fresh from Italy
Peeled Italian Almond

Product Details

Peeled Italian Almond
Almonds throughout history have played an important role in the wedding celebration. Weddings were always considered a lucky occasion, and brides and grooms shared their luck and happiness with their guests by sending them home with a bomboniere or favor. Part of the gift that was handed out to guests were almonds in clusters of five to signify : fertility, heath, wealth, happiness, and longevity. Italy has been producing and perfecting almonds for centuries. Share these delicious imported treats from Crispo with your guests. These delicious treats can also be served in a bowl. These almonds are toasted and coated for a different taste. Box contains 1 kilo or 2.3 pounds and makes approx. 40-45 favors.

Click here to view our large selection of personalized Bigliettini/tags Favor Decorating, Confetti/Almonds which will add a touch of Italy to any favor.  Remember presentation is utmost important for any favor packaging

for any customized ornaments please call us @  516.746.2130 or email us at

Item Code:LI-1610
Price: $33.00
Weight: 3.50 pounds
Stock Status: Fresh from Italy
